meet the chapters
Our CPC community is made up of eight (8) National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) organizations chartered at Southern Miss. Each chapter aims to embrace all students across campus, to equip its members with personal and leadership development opportunities, and to empower our community to leave campus better than they found it.
Scroll down to find out more about each of our unique and incredible chapters!

alpha chi omega
Founded: 1885
Established at Southern Miss: 2014
Motto: "Together let us seek the heights"
Philanthropy: Domestic Violence Awareness
Colors: Scarlet Red and Olive Green
Symbol: Golden Lyre
Website: Alpha Chi Omega - Kappa Sigma
Instagram: @usmalphachi
Kappa sigma chapter

alpha delta pi
Founded: 1851
Established at Southern Miss: 1985
Motto: "We Live For Each Other"
Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Charities
Colors: Azure and White
Symbol: Diamond
Website: USM Alpha Delta Pi
Instagram: @usmadpi
eta zeta chapter

chi omega
Founded: 1895
Established at Southern Miss: 1949
Motto: "Sisters on purpose"
Philanthropy: Make A Wish Foundation
Colors: Cardinal and Straw
Symbol: Skull and Crossbones
Website: Epsilon Delta - Chi Omega
Instagram: @usmchiomega
epsilon delta chapter

delta delta delta
Founded: 1888
Established at Southern Miss: 1951
Motto: "Let us steadfastly love one another"
Philanthropy: St. Jude's Children Hospital
Colors: Cerulean Blue, Silver, and Gold
Symbol: Dolphin
Website: Tri Delta at USM
Instagram: @usmtridelta
phi epsilon chapter

delta gamma
Founded: 1873
Established at Southern Miss: 1970
Motto: "Do Good"
Philanthropy: Service For Sight
Colors: Bronze, Pink, and Blue
Symbol: Golden Anchor
Website: USM Delta Gamma
Instagram: @usmdeltagamma
delta pi chapter

kappa delta
Founded: 1897
Established at Southern Miss: 1949
Motto: "Let us strive for that which is honorable,
beautiful, and highest"
Philanthropy: Girl Scouts of America | PCAA
Colors: Olive Green and Pearl White
Symbol: Nautilis Shell
Website: Kappa Delta - Beta Sigma
Instagram: @usmkappadelta
beta sigma chapter

phi mu
Founded: 1852
Established at Southern Miss: 1950
Motto: "The Faithul Sisters"
Philanthropy: Children's Miracle Network
Colors: Rose and White
Symbol: Ladybug
Website: Phi Mu at USM
Instagram: @phimuatusm

Pi Beta Phi
Founded: 1867
Established at Southern Miss: 1961
Motto: "Friends and Leaders for Life"
Philanthropy: Read>Lead>Achieve
Colors: Wine and Silver Blue
Symbol: Arrow
Website: Pi Beta Phi at USM
Instagram: @usmpiphi
MS ALPHA chapter